Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Want to Do List

In no particular order and not comprehensive

1. Knit a blanket

2. Get a tattoo

3. Finish all of Jane Austen's novels

4. Learn to play the cello

5. Sew a quilt

6. Sleep til 10 am

7. Finish reading all the books I own and haven't read


  1. is it wrong if I comment by urging you to get a tramp stamp?!?!?!?!?!

  2. As your mom, who had the very same struggles, I hope that I have done what I set out to do and that was to make you kids my priority, provide you with a variety of experiences; some simple, some more elaborate and create an atmosphere where you felt safe and loved and had fun being a child! You have looked back on old photos and seen many a bad hair day, fluctuations in my weight, and even though the photos may not have shown a disorganized drawer or closet or a sink full of dishes they were there! Sometimes those mundane things DO have to get done during a nap when you'd rather knit...and some things can wait until next month. Keep in mind as you raise your kids there are stages in which you have hardly any ME time (like where you are right now) and the perfectly organized pantry is not a priority. And then there are stages where you will have a little more time to do what seems to you now as "having it all together". As you get "older and wiser" you will learn how to do things more efficiently and multi task. You've already seen how fast these 2 years have gone with Noah. Incorporate the boys into your chores: let them "help" you put away groceries, or clean out the linen closet (they can "jump pellows") while you do that! Yes, it would be faster by yourself but you can turn it into a teachable moment, make it fun and everyone's a winner!
    The other thing to keep in mind is that perfect "mom" you compare yourself to...doubtful she looks like that all the time. Maybe her gym membership is more important than her kids. Maybe her house is filthy...or maybe she really is a supermom. But, maybe she had her first shower in 48 hrs and just came out of a salon she hadn't been to in 3 months. Maybe she is lonely and doesn't have any friends, in an unhappy marriage. Maybe she is lost. Be careful who you think you are comparing yourself to...you may be way better off.

  3. AS for your list....keep adding to it and keeping trying new things and be patient. There is a time and a season for everything under heaven! Im 54 and just started painting ...it was on my list since I was your age.
