Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To Don't List

I was inspired recently by a chapter in a book a read where the author talked about her list of things she does and her list of things she doesn't do. I found it so refreshing, both to hear that there are other women like me out there who can't do it "all" and are not only admitting it, but coming to terms with the fact that they don't want to and thats ok.
Here is a list of things I don't do and often make myself feel guilty about. But the bottom line is, I don't want to do them and I am not going to do them. There are so many ways that I would rather spend my time.

I don't run (see previous post on running). You will not spot me running ever-unless I am being chased.

I do not shop, eat, and cook organically. I read an article once that if you only change over to 5 organic foods they should include apples, lettuce, eggs, milk and something else I don't remember. There is no lettuce eating in this family and I am allergic to apples, so organic milk and eggs are as far as my commitment goes . Don't get me wrong, I love a trip to Trader Joes every now and then, but by no means does a fear of high fructose corn syrup and non organic-ness shape my existence.

I do not spend time and energy trying to have the perfect body or see my high school weight on the scale again. Lets face it-when you are 15 and have no boobs, have never bore a child and are forced to play a sport for your school you are going to be a bit skinnier than you are once you are nearing 30 (ouch!), have had 2 kids and count the fact that you don't sit down between the hours of 6am and 8pm as sufficient exercise.

Motherhood has opened a whole new can of guilt worms. So many things that sound so good in theory, but I just aint gonna do 'em...

I do not cloth diaper. To do this one must scrape poop off of the said diaper into the toilet and then wash those diapers. Enough said.

I do not make my own baby food. Yes I own that fancy food processor/vegetable steamer thing and yes it's still in the box. I prefer the 5 for $5 deal at Harris Teeter.

I do not run pushing a giant jogging stroller with 2 babies in it. (See previous post on running).
I hope that I will never be chased while pushing it or we will all be in trouble.

Ok thats enough for now. Maybe tomorrow I will make the list of things I do, or things I want to sleep more.

Does anyone want to share what you do NOT do?


  1. I'm so happy that you're back at it (with this blog)! I don't cook. I do: drink diet drinks and caffeine (especially when I have a headache), eat desserts when they're served, and lots of other things I "shouldn't" do :).

  2. I love this, Megan. So refreshing. There are some times when Hannah is screaming so loud and I can't take it any more that I just scream, too. Louder of course. :)

  3. Megan, I'm glad you brought this blog back and thus - onto my radar.

  4. I am so thrilled by such refreshing truth and honesty. I don't clean my house, just put things where i can't see them. I don't do productive things when my child is sleeping, i am completely selfish. I do give my child those nasty orange cheese puff balls because they make him so happy. I do let my child watch tv. My husband tries to do all that healthy eating stuff so sometimes i try and tag along, other times i mock.
