Wednesday, September 2, 2009

J.A. Project: Day 2 Sense & Sensibility

Day 2- 40 pages and 10 chapters in. I am already in love. The words, the writing, the story. After getting through the first chapter of confusing family relations and trying to differentiate the Miss Dashwoods from the Mrs. Dashwoods from the Mrs. John Dashwoods the next 9 chapters flew by. I am already imagining myself living in a small cottage among the English moores. To me, the cottage that the Dashwood ladies move into after loosing their home is much more appealing than the grandeur they left behind. I wish I could spend hours walking through the countryside, "is there a felicity in the world superior to this?".
Marianne Dashwood is already my favorite of the Dashwood women. Can we say drama queen? I adore her lack of sensibilty, her complete romanticism and the way that she says what she thinks. Of course I relate more with Elinor, the sensible eldest sister, and am sometimes shocked by what Marianne says, but that is why I enjoy her character so much. She says of her dream man, "I could not be happy with a man whose every taste did not in every point coincide with my own. He must enter in to all my feelings; the same books, the same music, must charm us both" and of course be spirited and passionate. Those are some serious expectations! Lets hope Willoughby, who just entered the scene, does not disappoint.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for The Megosphere and I was sad to see it was gone until I found this new blog! Love the idea! I'm not a huge fiction reader but I am very impressed by your project and I'll follow along.
